YouTube is a competitive market. It hosts almost anything and everything from independent filmmakers, international brands, hobbyists and professionals. Whatever your niche is, YouTube is so versatile a video platform that it’s always worth having a go at it. And if you’re not, you’re lagging behind! After all, video is currently the driver of most social media platform’s content.
So if you’re new to YouTube or the video creating a game, fear not because we’ve compiled a few basic rules to setting up your YouTube channel and getting your first few eyeballs on your video content. In fact, these few tips can be applied to almost any public social media platform you are thinking of getting on.
1 Be an eye-candy
Keep your social media page looking attractive. This is one of the best ways to attract more subscribers and viewers. Moreover, your viewers will think that you pay a lot of attention to quality if your page is always top shape.
2 Be active
A social media page must never be stagnant, even for only a short period of time. If your page has no activity, your subscribers will likely leave. Always think of new and interesting things to post (you can hire someone to do this for you).

3 Be polite
With a personal social media page, you can say that you are entitled to your own opinion. But since you are representing your business/company, it is important that you maintain a peaceable attitude.
4 Be professional
You are advised to connect with your subscribers. But you must keep a professional relationship. You should also exercise professionalism in the posts, comments, and multimedia content that you upload and post, especially if you are building a brand.
5 Be watchful
You cannot control how your subscribers will behave. They may post hate comments, destructive comments, and they may argue with one another. Always be on the watch and take appropriate action as soon as possible.
6 Be interesting
Blog posts that talk about business offers, product offers and services can be really dry and boring. You have to think of ways on how to make dry topics sound interesting.